Hello from Twila Pattyson

Spirit Healing Energy
Discover Your Inner Light

As an Energy Practitioner, I believe we all have the power to heal ourselves. After becoming a Medical Intuitive it became crystal clear to me how important it is for people to understand the mind/body connection. Pain and dis-ease in the body is often linked to people, places or events in our past. Helping you appreciate and navigate this connection is one of my passions. Let me show you the way to release negative energy or trauma that may be impacting how you live your life.


Medical Intuitive



Soul Essence Connections



“Thank you Twila for my medical intuitive session. It was so very insightful, and I have become so much more aware.  The follow up Reiki sessions we did in our healing plan really helped me both physically and spiritually.  See you next session!”


I’ve been on the spiritual path for over 20 years.  I’ve tried a lot of different modalities and worked with a lot of different practitioners.   I experienced healing and peace in my sessions with Twila in a way I had never experienced before or since.   Twila is a part of my self-care routine when things get to be too much.   I’m incredibly grateful for her gift.



If I had one word to describe the healing that I felt from Twila’s Reiki session it would be Clarity.  2 days after the beautiful, calming, peaceful session and my thoughts are clearer and my focus better.  I also find that I have more balance with yoga and more flexibility in my upper torso. During the Reiki, I could feel a clearing in my body and a release of tension in my upper back.  This release has lifted my posture and my mood.  Clearing this space has left me feeling more confident, energized, focused, and grounded. 


YouTube Video Presentation

One man’s open, vulnerable, and heart-touching story to “Reach out and ask someone”.


Biography – Twila Pattyson

Distinction from Queensland University of Technology with a Bachelor of Business
Degree in Management. My career supported me financially yet my passion came through helping other people see their truth. I learned human behavior through studies such as DISC, Color Energies, and Myers Briggs which brought me to the conclusion that conventional thinking doesn’t bring internal wisdom.


My journey with Reiki began with an introduction from my Mom. Her Reiki sessions quieted my mind which helped me deal with stress and anxiety. Following this, a chance enlightening occurred at the library when a Reiki book fell off the shelf while I was looking for something to read while camping. The next day at camp my friend burned his hand while grabbing a coffee pot. Without thought I immediately applied the Reiki principles. In amazement to us both, he suffered no visible signs of injury. This I discovered was the miracle of Reiki.


Energy modalities allow me to help you find a sense of calm and release things that no longer serve you so that you may find success in all areas of your life. My passion is sharing my gifts so that you can experience exponential growth and life as you desire it to be. Witnessing your transformation from your current reality to your desired outcome is what truly lights me up.

Reiki Masters Training

Taken Reiki Level 1 &2? Want to be able to practice as a Reiki Master?

In this course my students will receive their Reiki Master attunement.

Students will learn how to attune others to Reiki. There will be an in-depth discussion on how to perform these attunements, how to contract the Hui Yin point and how to perform the Violet Breath and time to practice.

Students will also learn how to incorporate spirituality into their everyday life and the responsibility of becoming a Reiki Master.

Class size will be kept small to allow for lots of discussion and questions. Before registering for this class, a short interview process will be conducted with each student to determine the educational path for the student wishing to become a Reiki Master.

Prerequisite: Reiki Level 1 and 2. The course fee includes a Reiki Master manual and an official certificate.

To reserve your spot please head over to: https://calendly.com/twilapattyson/reikimasters

You will then be contacted for a short interview to ensure you have the appropriate qualifications.

Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Time: 9am – 4pm

Location: Lake Country, BC
Investment: $555


Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing art that promotes stress reduction, relaxation and enhances the body’s own ability to heal itself. Reiki can be used to assist your recovery from illness, surgery, grief or other life altering events.

 Medical Intuitive

Medical Intuition assesses energetic blocks throughout the energy body as well as the Chakra system, clearing blockages, and helping the body heal naturally. It is a compliment to conventional treatments under the guidance of a Naturopathic Doctor or Medical Practitioner. While in the pioneering stages in our Western culture Medical Intuition has been successfully performed in Asia and Eastern civilizations for centuries.


Life coaching is a profession that is profoundly different from consulting, mentoring, advice, therapy, or counselling. The coaching process addresses specific personal projects, business successes, general conditions and transitions in the client’s personal life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges might be, and choosing a course of action to make your life be what you want it to be.


Where Reiki and Medical Intuition modalities delve into energetic healing NLP is like getting a handbook for the brain. The scientific processes developed assist an individual to change their beliefs at the root level. Understanding that your behaviours generate the same issues repeatedly NLP provides tools to change these behaviors. NLP is a form of mental programming, the ability to organize our communication and neurological systems to achieve specific desired goals and results. It is empowering, informative and life changing.

Treatment Choices

Local or Distance Healing

Reiki Sessions – call me for a free 10 minute consultation.
Ask me about our 3 and 5 packs and save 10-20%
Download our What to expect… Brochure

Learn Reiki – Levels 1,2,3
Download our What to expect… Brochure

Medical Intuitive Assessment – call me for a free 10 minute consultation.
Download our What to expect… Brochure

Member of:
International College of Medical Intuition
International Association of Medical Intuitives
International Association of Reiki Professionals

What to Expect

How long is a Reiki session?

Sessions are usually 60 mins but 90 minutes sessions can be requested also.

Will I be lying down on a massage table or sitting?
Reiki is usually performed on a client who is fully reclined comfortably on a massage table. It also may be performed on a client who is semi-reclined on a massage chair or recliner. If you have mobility or pain issues please communicate these to me so I may make you your most comfortable for the session.
Am I clothed during my Reiki session?
Yes. Unlike a massage therapy session, you will be fully clothed. You will want to wear loose fitting comfortable clothing.
Will the Reiki Practitioner’s hands touch me in any way?
This is your choice. Reiki may be done with a light gentle pressure static touch or the Practitioner’s hands may be a few inches/centimeters above your body at the hand positions with no actual touch. There are standard hand placements beginning at your head or feet, avoiding all sensitive body parts. Let me know prior to the session which you prefer, light touch or no touch.
Is your first session the longest?
At your first session you should plan to arrive 10-15 minutes early so I can go over the session, discuss your goals for the session, complete paperwork, etc.
Is one session enough or will I need a series of sessions?
One session is a great start! You will see for yourself how Reiki makes you feel, if it is relaxing or if you feel more clarity after the session. Many people, after trying one session, go on to purchase a series of sessions to progressively work on their current wellness goals.
Is Reiki for an acute condition or a chronic condition?
If you have an acute condition you should seek out a licensed medical professional immediately. If you have a chronic or current issue, Reiki can be an excellent complement in your health or wellness plan.
What will I feel during the session?
Most clients feel a sense of relaxation and peace. The mind may feel calm and your physical body should feel relaxed. Reiki is so relaxing that sometimes clients may fall asleep during the session. Don’t worry though, you will still receive all of the benefits of the session, sleeping or awake.
Is there talking during the session?
Usually a session is done without talking and I will have soft ambient music playing in the background to aid in your relaxation. If you want to communicate something during the session, such as if you are cold or too warm, if you would like me to adjust the music, if you are feeling a sensation you would like to discuss, if something feels uncomfortable for you, if you have a question or issue, then do speak up at any time during the session. I want the best for you and to make your session the best experience possible. Also, I will ask you after the session if there is anything you would like to share and you may do so if you want to. This is good feedback for my notes for planning your next session.
What does Reiki feel like?
At the beginning of the hand placements, you may feel a very slight tingling, heat, or energy, or nothing at all. The sensations or lack of are not a barometer of the Reiki, they are just how your particular body senses energy. You may feel a peace and calm in your mind or physically in general. It is different for all clients but deep relaxation is almost always felt.
After I leave my session, should I do anything special?
Drink plenty of water to hydrate your body as your body’s energy system may be moving at a more optimum rate, so please care for yourself with water and healthy food. It is beneficial to spend some quiet time after your session to journal or to contemplate as you may have some insights and further mental clarity as your body continues to process the Reiki session.
Are there any medical conditions where I should not receive Reiki?
Reiki is a wonderful complement in a health or wellness plan. It supports your work with your primary care providers. Please see the IARP web site at https://iarp.org for articles on Reiki and how it may be of benefit with medical issues, change of life, life stages, and more.

Let me be your Catalyst for change

3 + 4 =

Twila Pattyson

Lake Country, BC